What is a Pediatric Pocket EKG?
The Pediatric Pocket EKG® is a personal wallet-sized medical identification card that provides essential emergency information and cardiac history on one side, and your actual baseline EKG on the other. The primary care physician and cardiologist are all highlighted on the card front.
Why do I Need a Pediatric Pocket EKG®?
When you have the Pediatric Pocket EKG®, you are carrying an accurate and up-to-date digest of key information concerning your cardiac medical condition. Your 12-lead, baseline EKG is right on the card. Emergency and other admitting personnel obtain much of the information they need at a glance-information that enhances proper diagnosis, prevents unnecessary hospitalization, and may even save your life. The Pediatric Pocket EKG® card complies with the American Medical Association's guidelines for emergency medical information.
How to Order a Pocket EKG®:
1. Print out online patient data form:
2. Get an original EKG printout from your physician. You may either ask for one at your next visit, or call and have your most recent one mailed to you.
3. Complete the patient data form, attach the EKG, and mail both with your check for $65 for processing to:
P.O. Box 929
San Luis Obispo, California 93406
Cardiomark, L.L.C. processes your Pocket EKG Card and mails it directly back to you.